
Showing posts from May, 2018

Our #1 tip for taking your site to the next level

Ready to invest in the success of your site? Congratulations again on creating your very own site at If you're a small business, an entrepreneur, a freelancer, or just want to connect with your personal community of family and friends, getting more visitors to your site is the first step to reaching more people and growing your audience. Did you know sites with a paid plan had 34% more monthly page views than sites without one? With a paid plan, get access to premium features like a custom domain name, advanced SEO tools, and support to make your site memorable and easy to find. Whether "going big" means connecting with a few hundred engaged readers or reaching 23 million of them, we have a plan to reach your goals. Ready to grow your audience and spread your message? Click the but

Turn your site into a community

Our tips for building a following of loyal fans. Hi Uniform Store Online, We're so excited you've chosen to build your site on We want to do everything in our power to help you achieve your website goals, big and small. Whether you're creating a website for fun, to build an online presence, or to make money, one of the greatest satisfactions of using the platform is being able to reach people with your content. We've seen through experience that our most successful site owners not only publish content but work hard to turn their site into a community. In fact, offers tons of ways to find like-minded people, connect you with a network of site owners from around the world, and grow your following. Who doesn't want more views and followers? Read our article to learn three ways to engage with reader

Five ways to monetize your site

Turn your website into a source of income. Hi Uniform Store Online, We know a lot of site owners like you hope to make money from their site one day. If you've been cultivating a following with quality content, you can turn your traffic into money. You worked hard building your site, so why not turn the time and creativity you invested into a source of income? Whether you're hoping to turn your site into a business, to blog full-time, or just to fund your coffee habit, there are several ways to generate revenue online. By choosing to build your site on, you already have access to the tools and strategies you need to monetize your site. Anyone with enough traffic can apply to our ad network, WordAds, and our Business and Premium plan users are guaranteed access. Ready to find out more? Read our free monetization resource on

Our tips for getting more people to your site

It's easier than you think to increase your website views. Hi Uniform Store Online, We see that you're well on your way to building your dream site at Congratulations! Without a doubt, one of the most common questions we get from new users is, "OK, my site is up and running. Now how do I get more people to visit?" In fact, we get this question so often that we decided to share our top recommendations with you today, in hopes that it helps you share your unique point of view with more people. Whether you're a blogger, a freelancer, or a business owner looking to increase brand awareness and credibility, these tips contain the core ingredient to making content on your site attractive and engaging. And if you're expecting a complex, technical article about metadata and site maps…

One last thing for your site

While you're exploring everything has to offer... The 9 undeniable reasons you should upgrade your account today Uniform Store Online, if you're anything like me, you might be asking yourself, "why should I upgrade to a paid plan when offers so much for free?" Great question! To answer, here are 9 provable facts – not empty marketing hype – to tell you why you should upgrade today: Reason #1: Upgrading is the only way to use a custom domain name with your site. This is by far the most common reason people upgrade to a paid account. It's no mystery why. Think of all the sites you love to visit. I bet they all have a memorable or unique domain name, right? Your domain name is the first thing visitors see about your brand. And right now, your website address is uni

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Welcome to

Welcome to the family! Congratulations, your new site,, is up and running! This email has everything you need, including links to several videos and guides, to help you get started. The resources are 100% free and even include a free bonus. As a special "thank you" for joining, you're going to get access to three marketing courses that are overflowing with many of the most important marketing tips we've discovered over the years (links below). So hang on to this email and refer back to it often as your site progresses. With all that said, let's get started! First, click the button below and log in to your account with your username, uniformsstoreonline, or your email address to manage your site. Log in to Once you've logged